Tag: knowledge
Top 100 Most Influential Historical Figures (Part 2): List of Chinese Historical Figures (for reference only)
order name Historical time status consequence 21 Zhu Yuanzhang 1238-1398 The founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty Zhu yuan zhang under the rule of the…
Top 100 Most Influential Historical Figures (Part 1): List of Chinese Historical Figures (for reference only)
order name Time of History status consequence 1 Confucius 551 BCE-479 BCE The founder of the Confucian school, one of the most famous cultural celebrities…
Let’s learn about the three categories or concepts of culture!
Culture is the basis on which human beings conduct their normal social life. The greatest desire of every normal human being in social life is…
World Food Cultures and Taboos: USA
Most people in the United States enjoy simple, iconic dishes such as hamburgers and hot dogs. The typical American cuisine is “rough and tumble”, using…
56 ethnic groups 56 dishes, and minority food cultures to understand!
There are 56 ethnic groups in China, with a great diversity of cultural traditions and a rich and varied food culture. Here is a list…
Overview of the food culture of the nine major ethnic minorities in China.
1. The Hui have three meals a day and their eating habits differ greatly from those of the Han Chinese. The daily diet is based…
A rough description of the food culture of China’s ethnic minorities
China is a multi-ethnic country, with 56 ethnic groups. The largest is the Han Chinese, while other ethnic minorities include the Manchu, Tibetan, Mongolian, Hui,…
Enjoy the world famous poet-Xin Qiji’s “Yongyule – Jingkou North – Gu Ting – Huaigu”English translation version
辛弃疾 《永遇乐·京口北固亭怀古》 千古江山, 英雄无觅, 孙仲谋处。 舞榭歌台, 风流总被, 雨打风吹去。 斜阳草树, 寻常巷陌, 人道寄奴曾住。 想当年, 金戈铁马, 气吞万里如虎。 元嘉草草, 封狼居胥, 赢得仓皇北顾。 四十三年, 望中犹记, 烽火扬州路。 可堪回首, 佛狸祠下, 一片神鸦社鼓。 凭谁问: 廉颇老矣,…
Enjoy the world-famous poet- Xin Qiji’s “Millennium Tune” English translation version
辛弃疾 《千年调》 左手把青霓,右手挟明月。吾使丰隆前导,叫开阊阖。周游上下,径入寥天一。览县圃,万斛泉,千丈石。钧天广乐,燕我瑶之席。帝饮予觞甚乐,赐汝苍璧。嶙峋突兀,正在一丘壑。余马怀,仆夫悲,下恍惚。 Song of a Thousand YearsThe Green RockXin Qiji In my left hand I hold the rainbow brightAnd I bring down the moon with my right.I order the Thunder God to go beforeTo open for me the celestial door.I go up and down, far and nigh,Become one with the only and lonely sky.I see the hanging mountainAnd the inexhaustible fountain,And the green rock of a thousand feet high. Hearing heavenly music played,I’m feasted by the Pool of jade.Our Lord invites me to wineAnd gives me a mini-cliff divine.Rugged and steep,It epitomizes mountain high and valley deep.My horse won’t leave,My servant seems to grieve.Awake, I don’t believe.
Enjoy the world-famous poet- Xin Qiji’s “Mo yu’er – More Capable of Dispelling a Few Storms” English translation version
《摸鱼儿·更能消几番风雨》 辛弃疾 更能消几番风雨?匆匆春又归去!惜春长怕花开早,何况落红无数!春且住,见说道天涯芳草无归路。怨春不语。算只有殷勤、画檐蛛网,尽日惹飞絮。 长门事,准拟佳期又误!蛾眉曾有人妒。千金纵买相如赋,脉脉此情谁诉?君莫舞,君不见,玉环飞燕皆尘土!闲愁最苦。休去倚危栏,斜阳正在,烟柳断肠处。 Moyu’erXin Qiji How many flurries or squalls can Spring stand,Before it will have to return to its fount?One is e’er afraid: spring flowers might bloom too soon.They have dropped! How many? Impossible to count. “Spring, you may as well stay a little longer.Fragrant grass, horizon-far, would block your way.”But silent Spring leaves only some fluff behind—For spider webs to catch; Spring itself wouldn’t stay. Chen Ajiao was estranged from Emperor Wu,Forming the so-called Changmen Palace Affair.The happy reunion, hoped for, ne’er occurred.No efforts to ruin Beauty, Envy would spare. She had spent a thousand for Xiangru’s poem.But the Monarch seemed to have a heart of stone.Overflowing love—expressed in such dead earnest!Her grief and complaints to whom could she make known? You must not carper nor else be frolicsome.Haven’t you seen Yuhuan and Feiyan at their doom?To be pining away is a painful thing.To be pining away is a painful thing.Don’t lean on a rail and watch the event’s gloom.