List of Myanmar video sites, TV, radio, newspapers, and other websites (for reference only)

Myanmar Ministry of Hotels and Tourism of Hotels and Tourism (Myanmar) The government department responsible for tourism in Myanmar.
Myanmar Ministry of Education Cooperative Ministry of Education Cooperative website.
Modins are Myanmar’s portal for information on business, travel, entertainment, fashion, and e-services.
Myanmar International Television International Television, located in Yangon, Myanmar, is a state-owned television station in Myanmar, specializing in receiving all kinds of information about Myanmar for international viewers, providing the latest information, program schedules, previews of program content, program guides, etc. The website language is English.
Myanmar Golden Phoenix Newspaper Golden Phoenix Chinese newspaper in Myanmar has always adhered to the mission of “a bridge of friendship, a platform of information and a garden of Chinese education”, which was set at the time of the take-off of the newspaper.
Voice of Democracy in Myanmar Voice of Burma (DVB), an independent media outlet based in Oslo, Norway, was founded by Burmese democrats living in exile abroad. DVB broadcasts on shortwave and television to the country.
Myanmar Tourism Website website is a travel portal for Myanmar. The website introduces Myanmar’s human history, festivals, attractions, travel information, etc. The language is English.
Author: listenerxu
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