List of Syrian video sites, TV, radio, newspapers, and other websites (for information only)

Name WebsiteRelationshipsIntroduction
Syrian Arab News Agency Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) is a Syrian news agency established in June 1965 as a public media organization linked to the Syrian Ministry of Information. The Syrian Arab News Agency launched its website in 1997.
Syrian Baath Party newspaper’ath (The Syrian Baath) is a Syrian Arabic-language newspaper. The newspaper was founded in 1948 by the Syrian Arab Socialist Ba’ath Party and is published for Syria and other Arab countries, such as Lebanon and Palestine.
Syria’s Fatherland newspaper (The Syrian Fatherland) is a Syrian Arabic-language daily newspaper. It is a newspaper published by the Syrian Arab Publishing and Distribution Company. It was established in 1960 and it was the first privately owned newspaper in Syria, with the sister newspaper Al Iqtissadiya.
Syrian Revolution newspaper (The Syrian Revolution) is a Syrian Arabic-language newspaper.
Syria TV TV is the state-owned and largest local TV station in Syria, covering the country and the world, with programs such as soap operas, news, and interviews, providing previews, content profiles, online viewing, and topical highlights.
Barada TV TV is one of the most influential TV stations in Syria, offering online mobile TV, news, program times, entertainment, soap operas, search and search of past programs, weather services, etc. The website language is Arabic.
Syria Tourism Board Syrian Tourism Authority has a Chinese website with regional and city profiles, thematic tours, attractions, food, travel, and accommodation information.
Syrian Ministry of Education website of the Syrian Ministry of Education is available in Arabic. In Syria, almost all educational institutions are built by the state, but a bill passed in the country in 2001 also began to allow the establishment of public schools and private universities.
Author: listenerxu
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