Tag: healthy

What are the benefits of meditation?

Concept: Meditation is a kind of health-keeping and fitness method, and it is also a way for monks and Taoists to practice in ancient times….

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What are the hazards of standing and sitting for a long time?

At present, many jobs require staff to stand or sit for a long time. Standing or sitting for a long time, which hurts your waist…

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How do you know if your kidney is good?

The following contents are for reference and study only. The kidney is an organ of vertebrates and a part of the urinary system. It is…

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Why are astronauts carried away when they return to Earth?

Why are astronauts carried away when they return to Earth? Because astronauts have been in a weightless environment for a long time and have always…

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Know some foods rich in protein that are more friendly to people

Tak hanya itu, tahu juga diketahui menjadi salah satu makanan sehat yang sebaiknya dikonsumsi. Sebab, makanan ini kaya akan protein nabati, serta mengandung berbagai nutrisi penting bagi…

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Manfaat Kol Putih

Jika Anda tahu sayur kol, tanaman ini punya bunga yang biasa dikenal dengan nama kembang kol. Kembang kol mudah ditemukan di pasaran dan dapat diolah…

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