List of Maldivian video sites, TV, radio, newspapers and other websites (for information only)

NameWebsite RelationshipIntroduction
Haworu Daily News Howard Daily is a bilingual newspaper with a high circulation in the Maldivian capital Male, in both Dhivehi and English. The newspaper is also the first newspaper in the Maldives to offer online access. The newspaper focuses on news from within the Maldives and is at the forefront of its industry within the country.
The Maldives Maldives is one of the largest portals in the Maldives, including tourism, business, real estate, news, entertainment, culture, geography, etc. The website language is English.
Maldives Tourism Board Maldives has a tropical maritime climate with warm seasons and high humidity, making it suitable for tourism basically all year round. However, the peak crowds can be avoided from December to April each year.
Haworu Daily News  Haveeru Daily is the oldest daily newspaper in the Maldives.
VERMILLION INTERNATIONAL International, established in 1992 as a subsidiary of Vermilliom International Maldives LLC, has become a leading full-service travel company in the Maldives travel industry.
Author: listenerxu
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