List of video websites, TV, radio, newspapers, etc. in Uzbekistan (for information only)

Name WebsiteRelationshipIntroduction
Uzbek government website Uzbek government website, available in Uzbek, Russian and English, with government overview, news center, public services, livelihood information, public opinion polls, links to official websites of relevant government departments, etc.
Olam is one of the largest general portals in Uzbekistan, offering the latest news and information of all kinds, including games, entertainment, sports, dating, forums, blogs, weather, etc. The language of the site is Uzbek.
he Voice of the People newspaper Voice of the People is a Russian-language newspaper in Uzbekistan, that reports timely, objective, and credible information on Uzbekistan and abroad. The main contents are politics, economy, culture, sports, and foreign countries.
World of Uzbek Classic Musichttp://www.classicmusic.uzUzbekistanWorld of Uzbek Classic Music is the largest music website in Uzbekistan, featuring a list of artists, a library of traditional music, MP3 downloads, profiles of traditional instruments, news, and information on Uzbek music artists and music events. The website is available in English.
forumtv.ca website is the official website of the TV station Forum TV, one of the largest commercial TV stations in Uzbekistan
Advantour is a domestic international travel agency in Kyrgyzstan that extends its operations to Uzbekistan, focusing on providing cultural tourism services along the Silk Road, as well as business travel services. UzbekistanTourism. uz is a tourist information website for Uzbekistan, offering inbound and outbound tours, in addition to public and private university application and admission services. The website language is English.
Author: listenerxu
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