List of Cuban news and video websites, TV, radio, newspapers, etc. (for information only)

Name Website RelationshipsIntroduction
CubaWeb CubaWeb provides a portal for information on tourism, news, hotels, and more. By 2007, the site had a history of 12 years.
Website of the Cuban government of the Cuban government, available in Spanish and English, with content on government institutions, public services, news, etc. The Republic of Cuba, or Cuba for short, is located in North America, with Havana as its capital and seat of government, and Spanish as its official language.
Bohemian Magazine Bohemian Magazine was founded in 1908. Today, in a special historical period and in the context of the US embargo against Cuba, the electronic version of the newspaper is online since 2002, which is a reform and progress of the traditional newspaper format and is also in sync with the Cuban media in the computerized era.
Juventud Rebelde Cuban newspaper Juventud Rebelde is the central organ of the Cuban Communist Youth Union, a Spanish-language newspaper that provides national, international, cultural, scientific, and sports news.
Granma Cuban newspaper Granma, the central organ of the Cuban Communist Party, was founded in 1956 and named after the yacht Granma on which Castro led Cuban exiles in Mexico back to Cuba to fight in the armed struggle, and is now based in the capital city of Havana.
Granma, the organ of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba, is the largest newspaper in Cuba, having been founded in 1965 in the capital Havana, through the merger of the former organ of the Cuban People’s Socialist Party, Today, which was founded in 1938, and the newspaper La Revolucion.
Cuban ACN  CubanCuban ACN news portal (CUBAN NEWS AGENCY), a website offering comprehensive information on local news, world news, Cuban culture, science, sports, economy, weather, etc. in Cuba.
Adelante  CubanAdelante is a Cuban Spanish-language newspaper based in Camagüey. The newspaper is considered to be similar to the New York Times.
Trabajadores  CubanThe newspaper Trabajadores (Cuban General Union) is a Cuban Spanish-language newspaper. On 22 October 1865, the Cuban Workers’ Press published the weekly La Aurora (the predecessor of the Cuban General Workers’ Union) in Hava. The newspaper had eight letter-size pages, arranged in two columns of the paper.
Juventud Rebelde  CubanJuventud Rebelde is a Cuban newspaper. On 21 October 1965, Fidel Castro described it as “a newspaper devoted mainly to youth, something of interest to young people, a newspaper of high quality, whose content is very interesting”.
Granma  CubanGranma is a newspaper that is the organ of the Central Committee of the Cuban Communist Party. With a circulation estimated at around 675,000 in 1997, it is the largest newspaper in circulation in Cuba. It has several weekend international editions in English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Turkish, and Portuguese.
cubawebwww.cubaweb.cuCubanscuba web: Cuba’s tourist information network provides a portal for information on tourism, news, hotels, and more. By 2007, the site had a history of 15 years.
Cubatravelwww.cubatravel.cuCubanCuba travel: Cuba Tourism Portal is a travel portal for Cuba, providing information on tourism, including information on attractions, transportation, hotel reservations, customs, and culture.
Bohemiahttp://www.bohemia.cuCubanBohemia, the historic Cuban newspaper, was founded in 1908. This website is the official website, launched in 2002, and offers various news, business, sports, life, women, regional profiles, entertainment, health, photos, classified ads, etc.
TV CUBANA TV is similar to China’s China Central Television (CCTV) and includes almost all of Cuba’s TV programs on several channels, making it one of the largest TV stations in the country. is a well-known Cuban portal with news on current affairs, international, military, culture, education, technology, and entertainment, and also contains information on lifestyle services, such as weather forecasts, travel information, and classified ads.
CANAL HABANA Habana is one of Cuba’s leading television stations, with a focus on general programming. The site offers a variety of television services such as broadcast schedules, previews of programs, highlights of programs, online programming, guides to programs, etc. The site is available in Spanish.
Author: listenerxu
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