List of Fiji news and video websites, TV, radio, newspapers, etc. (for information only)

Name Website RelationshipIntroduction
Government of Fiji is an island nation in the South Pacific. The official government website publishes Fiji’s latest news, speeches from leaders, government organizations and functions, Fiji policies and regulations, and Fiji-related photos and videos, as well as some basic information about Fiji, including major holidays, immigration, and investment.
Fiji Times Fiji Times, part of the Fiji Times Company established in 1869, is the largest newspaper in Fiji in terms of circulation (43,000 copies/day) and the longest-running newspaper in Fiji to date.
Fiji Tourism Authority Fiji Tourism Authority is a statutory body established with full government investment to promote tourism for the Fiji National Tourism Authority
Fiji Television (Fiji One) http://fijione.tvFijiFiji Television (Fiji One) the announcement channel of Fiji’s leading television broadcaster, was established in 1993. The website is its official website and features news, sports, TV program guides, film and TV guides, 2014 elections, and more.
Fiji Broadcasting Corporation Limited Broadcasting Corporation Limited (FBC) Fiji’s national broadcasting network, established in 1985, has two radio stations each in Fijian, Hindi, and English.
Net Fiji (Fiji Daily News) Fiji (Fiji Daily News) Fiji’s first Chinese language newspaper, launched in 2001, aims to provide information for Fijian Chinese or study through Fiji news, China news, study abroad, sports, shopping, investment, immigration, consular notification, tourism, etc.
Fiji Villagehttp://www.fijivillage.comFijiFiji Village is a famous news website in Fiji, which mainly publishes news reports on politics, business, sports, and culture in Fiji and abroad, and also provides users with subscriptions to newspapers and radio stations.
Fiji Sun in September 1999, Fiji Sun (Fiji Sun) is one of the largest English-language newspapers in circulation in the region, covering the economy, entertainment, current affairs, sports, and more.
Fijilivehttp://www.fijilive.comFijiA comprehensive portal to Fiji.
Google search engine Fiji site search engine Fiji site, web, image, and news search, supports personalized search and local search, provides a forum, email, calendar service, and desktop search tools.
The latest Fiji news, sports and weather latest Fiji news, sports, and weather.
Author: listenerxu
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