World Literature – Chinese Literature – Chinese Language Learning and Improvement


天有不测风云(tiān yǒu bú cè fēng yún)人有旦夕祸福(rén yǒu dàn xī huò fú)蜈蚣(wú gōng)(bǎi)()(xíng)()()(shé)雄鸡(xióng jī)两翼(liǎng yì)(fēi)不过(bú guò)()()(yǒu)(qiān)()(zhī)(chéng)()()不能(bù néng)()(wǎng)(rén)(yǒu)(chōng)(tiān)(zhī)(zhì)(fēi)(yùn)()(néng)()(tōng)(gài)(wén)(rén)(shēng)(zài)(shì)()(guì)()(néng)(yín)(pín)(jiàn)()(néng)()












The translation of Han Kiln Fu (reference) is as follows:

The weather has unpredictable winds and clouds, and people will encounter disasters and happy events sooner or later. The centipede has hundreds of feet, but it doesn’t walk as well as the snake. Although the wings of domestic chickens are large, they cannot fly like birds. Although a horse can walk thousands of miles, it cannot reach its destination without being controlled. People have lofty ideals, but they cannot realize them without opportunities.

Confucius wrote articles that no one could surpass but were besieged by the State of Chen. Jiang Ziya, who has a strong and strategic background, was forced to make a living fishing in the Weishui River. Although the thief Zhi is an adult, he is not a kind person. Although Yan Hui, a student of Confucius, died early, he was not a vicious man. Although wise, Yao and Shun gave birth to wicked sons. Shun’s father, the blind old man, was stubborn and stupid. Instead, he gave birth to the son of a sage like Shun. Zhang Liang was just a common man, and Xiao He was just an official in the county. Yan Zi was not five feet tall, but he assumed the post of Prime Minister of the State of Qi. Kongming lived in a thatched hut, but he served as a military adviser in Shu. Han Xin did not have much strength. He was indeed appointed the general of the Han Dynasty. Although Feng Tang had the ability to govern the country, he had no chance to be an officer when he was old. Although Li Guang, the general of the Han Dynasty, has a reputation for shooting tigers (tiger stones), he has not been granted a marquis all his life. Although Xiang Yu was powerful, he committed suicide in Wujiang; Although Liu Bang was weak, he finally gained state power. People with profound knowledge cannot be appointed even when their hair is gray; People with poor abilities and shallow knowledge are appointed to important positions at a very young age.

Some people are rich first and then poor, while others are poor first and then rich. Jiaolong didn’t get the opportunity but hid in the group of fish and shrimp. When honest people have no chance, they can only yield to villains. When the weather is bad, the sun and the moon will not shine; When the land has no suitable climatic conditions, the plants will not grow. When the water can not get the proper environment, it will set off strong winds and waves; If people don’t have opportunities, their interests and luck are blocked.

In Luoyang, I used to eat fast in temples during the day and live in cold caves at night. The clothes you wear cannot protect you from the cold, and the porridge you eat cannot protect you from hunger. The superior hate me, while the inferior hates me. They all say that I am cheap. I said: I am not cheap, but I have no opportunity. When I got an official position, I reached the highest level of the official position and reached the rank of Sangong (Prime Minister, Imperial Doctor, and Grand Lieutenant). I had the ability to restrict all officials, and also had the power to punish meanness and stinginess. When I went out, I was welcomed by others. When I returned home, I was served by a beautiful woman. I wore silk, brocade, and satin, and ate delicious food. The emperor loved me, and the people below me supported me. All people respected and envied me, saying that I was a noble person. I said: It is not because I am expensive, but because I have gained good opportunities.

Therefore, if a person lives in the world, do not pursue the rich and noble, and do not humiliate the poor. This is the law of the life cycle.

Author: listenerxu
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