Top 15 list of global cooperative websites (for reference only)

NameWebsiteIntroduction A UK consumer co-operative active in northwestern England, offering services and products as diverse as food, furniture, travel, and funerals. Website Introduction: NISC provides integrated IT solutions for telecom and energy utilities. Website Introduction: The UK’s only co-operatively owned telephone and internet service provider. Website Introduction: Information about co-operatives worldwide from the ICA, their apex organization. A newsletter about worker co-ops, economic democracy, and sustainable, stakeholder-owned, democratically managed businesses in the US and worldwide. Website Introduction: Information about starting and managing cooperatives. Website Introduction: Cisco Systems employees server cooperative. Links to homepages of Cisco employees. Federation of campus-based housing and retail cooperatives in Canada and the U.S. Member-owned Internet Service Provider located in north-western Florida. Includes service sign-up and bill payment options, and links for local news, weather, and sports. Danish buying group for do-it-yourself products. Corporate profile and financials, map of members, and related links provided. Canadian co-operative association. Organization serving to promote Inuit and Dene-owned businesses in Northern Manitoba, Nunavut, and the Northwest Territories of Canada. Includes information about co-ops in general. Community of individuals and organizations committed to creating a collaborative, sustainable economy. The Co-operative College is an educational charity dedicated to the promotion of cooperative values, ideas, and principles within co-operatives, communities, and society. Worker co-op providing cycle and bike equipment in Manchester. Includes bicycle FAQ, online catalog, and links to bicycle groups in England.
Author: listenerxu
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