Ten books that affect the process of world history, subvert your understanding of the world and the universe

orderauthorcountryBook nameexplain
1Charlie DarwinBritainOrigin of speciesThe book is probably the most controversial work of the 19th century, and most of its views are generally accepted by today’s scientific community. Darwin’s view was first put forward in this book. Using the data accumulated during his global scientific expedition in the 1830s, Darwin tried to prove that the evolution of species was realized through natural selection (natural selection) and artificial selection (human selection).
2ClausewitzGermanyThe theory of warClausewitz’s on war is known as the classic of modern Western military theory, which plays an important role in the formation and development of modern Western military thought. Clausewitz himself is therefore regarded as the originator of modern Western military theory. The book is divided into eight chapters, and “on war” is the essence selected by the translator. In the book, the author reveals that war belongs to the essence of politics, points out the role of human factors, especially spiritual power, expounds on the historical trend of the transformation from the nature of war to civil war, discusses the dialectical relationship between strategy and tactics, attack and defense, the purpose and means of war, and puts forward the theory of concentrating superior forces to annihilate the enemy.
3Adam SmithScotlandAn Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of NationsThe concept of the “invisible hand” was put forward
for the first time, but Emma Georgina Rothschild,
director of the center for history and economics at
the University of Cambridge, UK (a member of the Rothschild family), once publicly denied the “invisible hand”, saying that “the” invisible hand “is not an
an important concept of Adam Smith’s economics, but an ironic joke”.
4MachiavelliItalyMonarchy theorySince ancient times, all countries and regimes that
rule mankind have been either republics or
monarchies. The monarchy is either hereditary or
new. In a hereditary monarchy, the descendants
of the monarch have long been the monarchs there. A new monarchy or a new one, such as Francesco
Sforza’s principality of Milan; Or vassals occupied
by hereditary monarchies, such as the Napoli
Kingdom merged by the king of Spain [2]. The territory thus acquired or used to live under the rule of a
monarch, or has always been a free country; And its acquisition, or rely on the force of others or the
monarch’s own force, otherwise it is due to luck or ability.
5Isaac NewtonBritainMathematical principles of natural philosophyMathematical principles of natural philosophy is a
work of philosophy of physics written by British
physicist Isaac Newton. It was first published in 1687. The mathematical principles of natural philosophy are
Newton’s important work of physical philosophy.
The book is divided into three volumes. The first volume, “on the motion of objects”, describes Newton’s three
laws; The second volume is also “on the motion of objects”, which discusses the motion of objects
under resistance, opening a precedent for
hydrodynamics; The third volume, “on the system of the universe”, discusses the system of the universe.
6CopernicusPoland Celestial motion theoryDe revolutionibus orbium coelestium, also known as
the hypothesis on the operation of celestial bodies,
is an astronomical theory work written by Polish astronomer Copernicus. In the theory of celestial
sphere movement, the accuracy of the observed
and calculated values are amazing. For example, he obtained that the time of a stellar year is 365 days, 6 hours, 9 minutes, and 40 seconds, which is about
30 seconds more than the current accurate value,
and the error is only one millionth; His average
distance from the moon to the earth is 60.30 times
the radius of the earth, compared with 60.27 times
now, the error is only 5 / 10000.
7Sigmund FloydAustriaIntroduction to PsychoanalysisThis book is Freud’s most popular work beside
the psychopathology of everyday life. It has been
translated into 17 national languages. The lecture
notes of the course from 1915 to 1917 at the
of Vienna were printed into a book. Because they
are in the form of teaching, they can have a
the step-by-step and simple view of the abstruse
nature of psychoanalytic theory for beginners who
have just studied psychoanalytic theory or have
never been in contact with psychoanalytic theory.
8MontesquieuFranceIn the spirit of the lawThe book is the most important work of C. L. Montesquieu (1689-1755), an outstanding enlightenment thinker
in the first half of the 18th century, the main founder
of the ideological system of modern bourgeois politics and jurisprudence, and one of the founders of the
modern historical school. It is called “the first comprehensive political science book after Aristotle;
it is the most progressive political theory book up
to his time”.
9William HarveyBritainAnatomy of animal blood movementThrough his own anatomical practice, Harvey refuted many of Galen’s mistakes, especially this formulation,
that is, the purpose of pulse and breathing is to
inhale vitality to ensure the ventilation and heat dissipation of blood. Experience tells us that when
our pulse beats fast and forcefully, our breathing can remain calm; The pulse of fever should also be faster
than usual, but the breathing is slower at this time.
It can be seen that breathing (i.e. the movement of
the lungs) is not the same as pulse (related to
the movement of the heart).
10EinsteinAmericaOn special and general relativityThis book is one of the Science Classics series in
the scientific literacy library. The works included in
this series are scientific classics that have been tested
by enough history since the birth of modern science
in the Renaissance. In order to distinguish it from the
word “classic” which is widely used nowadays, we call
it “scientific canon”.

“A drop of ink can cause thousands of people to think, and a good book can change the fate of countless people.”—— Byron

Classics contain great thoughts, eternal artistic charm, and profound ideological connotations. The ten books in the series are a history of the process of world history. Let great and outstanding people be remembered by the world! Solidify the instantaneous history into eternal memory! Give thought and knowledge new vitality!

Author: listenerxu
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