Alibaba Group, leadership change in 2023.

Zhang Yong will resign as chairman and CEO of Alibaba Group Holding Group on September 10 this year and will serve as chairman and CEO of Alibaba Cloud Intelligence Group. At the same time, with the approval of the Alibaba Group Holding Group Board of Directors, Jack Ma, executive vice chairman of the group, will serve as chairman of the Alibaba Group Holding Group Board of Directors; Daniel Zhang will serve as CEO of Alibaba Group Holding Group, and continue to serve as chairman of Taobao Group.

This is a major adjustment within Alibaba. Zhang Yong has been in charge of Alibaba for more than 8 years. During this period, he promoted major initiatives such as the reform of the business responsibility system and the “1+6+N” organizational transformation. 

Jack Ma and Daniel Zhang were both one of the “Eighteen Arhats” of Alibaba’s founding team. Jack Ma currently serves as the executive vice chairman of Alibaba Group and has always played an important role in the birth and development of Alibaba. Daniel Zhang co-founded and served as CEO of and later served as CEO of Taobao Group.

In summary, Zhang Yong will resign as the chairman and CEO of Alibaba Group Holding Group and will serve as the chairman and CEO of Alibaba Cloud Intelligence Group. Jack Ma will take over as the chairman of the board of directors, and Daniel Zhang as the new CEO. Jack Ma and Daniel Zhang are both important members of Alibaba’s founding team and have witnessed and promoted Alibaba’s development over the years. This major adjustment within Alibaba will provide new opportunities for its future growth.

Author: listenerxu
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