List of Nicaraguan news and video websites, TV, radio, newspapers, etc. (for information only)

Name Website RelationshipsIntroduction
Official website of the Presidency of Nicaragua The official website of the Presidency of Nicaragua, website language is Spanish. The Republic of Nicaragua, or Nicaragua for short, is located in North America, with its capital and seat of government in Managua, and the official language is Spanish.
Channel 4 Channel 4 is one of Nicaragua’s most popular television stations, offering the latest news, news services, program guides, schedules, etc. The website is in Spanish.
Nueva Diario de Nicaragua The Nicaraguan newspaper Diario Nueva was founded in 1980 and is based in the capital, Managua, in the Spanish language. Since 2006, Diario Nuevo has been one of the two main newspapers in Nicaragua.
The official website of the Nicaragua The official website of the Nicaragua Tourism Board is in Spanish and provides information about Nicaragua, tourism activities, tourist attractions, transport, and accommodation.
Discover Nicaragua Discover Nicaragua, with good relations with scenic spots all over the country, is not only capable of receiving groups but also has a special feature in the service for casual guests, offering services such as ticket booking, room booking, meal booking services, and car rental according to the different requirements of the guests.
La Prensa La Prensa is a newspaper that occupies an important position in the Nicaraguan territory, with content on sports, all kinds of up-to-date news and information, entertainment, e-mail, dating, etc. The website language is Spanish.
La Jornada  Nicaraguan La Jornada is a Nicaraguan newspaper with offices in the capital Managua. The newspaper was founded in 1986, initially as a radio news program. In 1996, La Jornada began printing a monthly magazine. In 2005, it had its digital newspaper.
LaBújulaSemanal  Nicaraguan Since November 2008, LaBújulaSemanal is a free weekly newspaper published regularly in Managua, the capital of Nicaragua. The newspaper is published mainly on university campuses and semi-public places, such as shopping malls, supermarkets, and cafes, and has a weekly circulation of 7,000 copies.
El Nuevo Diario  Nicaraguan El Nuevo Diario is a Nicaraguan newspaper with offices in the capital, Managua. The newspaper was founded in 1980 by the staff of La Prensa sympathetic. As of 2006, El Nuevo Diario is one of the two largest newspapers in Nicaragua, the other being El Nuevo Diario.
Terra Nicaragua Nicaraguan introductory website, operated by Terra Lycos Networks.
Nicaraguan entertainment portal Nicaraguan entertainment portal, video, music, chat, forum, cinema…
Google Nicaragua Google Nicaragua- Google search engine Nicaragua site, web, image, news search, support personalized search, and local search, offers forum, email, calendar service, and desktop search tools.
Nicaragua.com Provides information on Nicaragua news, sports, culture, tourism, business, etc.
DISNEY LATINO Disney Latinoamericana del Sur is the largest animation channel in Nicaragua, covering the whole of Latin America, featuring a wide range of Disney classics and the latest animations, providing introductions to current animations and program schedules, etc. The website language is Spanish.
Vos TV Vos TV is located in Managua, Nicaragua, and has a high rating in Nicaragua. It is mainly synchronized with TV programs and provides up-to-date information, previews, timetables, and the latest programs, in Spanish.
TELENORTE TELE NORTE is one of the largest commercial TV stations in Nicaragua, keeping up to date with TV programs, even though it is updated with news and information, schedules of programs, previews of content, online access to programs, guides to programs, etc. The website is in Spanish.
Author: listenerxu
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