Top 15 list of global library-related websites (for reference only)

NameWebsite Introduction Nonprofit organisation established to preserve Web sites by taking regular “snapshots”. The Wayback Machine provides links to older versions of a webpage. There are special collections, for example on Web pioneers. US national provider of health-related library and information services. GoodReads: The Reading Social Network is a community-focused and friend-based book sharing design that is also more in line with its social platform. The site allows authors to offer eBooks directly to readers on the site, and currently has 13,000 available. Books are selected through recommendations from friends. StudyRoom:Student-based online mutual aid platform is a platform designed to create study groups among students and online tutoring, so that students can get out of the closed-door misery and learn in groups with mutual aid. Students themselves are allowed to join study groups and have peer-to-peer study tutoring through this platform. Provides an interactive tool to help create reference citations for research papers. Includes various print and electronic resources. The official site for Oxford University. Provider of library automation solutions, offering a product suite for the discovery, management, and distribution of all materials—print, electronic, and digital. Sections devoted to research, departments, and people at the institution, founded 1826 as the first UK college open without regard to race, class, gender, or religion. A U.S. federal resource of the Congress providing research material and updated database on virtually every topic from within the Library’s universal collection of books, recordings, photographs, maps, and manuscripts. Official university site. Includes prospectuses, departments and courses, news, events, job vacancies, and information for alumni. Advocates the free distribution of science and medical published articles. Not for profit computer service and research organization whose systems help libraries locate, acquire, catalog, and lend library materials. A Web-based DVD, music, game and book collection manager. Caltech Home Page. Highlights from research results and current events. Caltech news; admissions; alumni association; academic departments. WIPO is responsible for the promotion of the protection of intellectual property throughout the world through cooperation among States, and for the administration of various multilateral treaties dealing with the legal and administrative aspects of intellectual property.
Author: listenerxu
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