The 2023 Maldives holiday schedule

JanuaryNew Year’s DayOn January 1
The New Year is the beginning of the year of the Gregorian calendar and is also a public holiday in the Maldives.
Mar.Ramadan StartMarch 23rd
Is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. This is a time when Muslims around the world focus on prayer, fasting, charity, and religious dedication.
AprilEid-ul-FitrApril 22-24
Is the first day of the Islamic Shwar month. During the festival, many Muslims participate in group prayer, listen to a sermon, and do charity as food.
MayLabour DayOn May 1
Also known as the “International Day of Demonstrations”, it is Labor Day for most countries in the world.
JuneHajj DayJune 28th
It’s a public holiday and a day off for ordinary people. Schools and most businesses are closed.
Eid al-AdhaJune 29th
Is an Islamic festival commemorating Ibrahim’s willingness to follow Allah to sacrifice his son?
JulyMuharramOn July 19
The first month of the Islamic lunar calendar is different from the Gregorian calendar.
Independence DayOn July 26
On the same day will be held in large celebration activities in Republic Square, military parade activities.
SeptemberNational DayOn September 16
On this day, the Maldives celebrated the country, decorated with lights and decorations.
The Prophet’s BirthdayOn September 27
Muhammad is believed to be the last prophet, and the people celebrate the prophet’s birthday on this day.
OctoberThe Day Maldives Embraced IslamOctober 17th
This day is used to celebrate the spread and influence of Islam in the Maldives.
November Victory DayOn November 3rd
It is a festival to commemorate the victory of the Maldives.
Republic DayOn November 11
Republic Day is to commemorate the founding of the Second Republic of the Maldives.
Author: listenerxu
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