Tag: Learning
Top 15 list of global education-related websites (for reference only)
Name Website Introduction codecademy.com codecademy.com Lessons to learn to code interactively. proprofs.com proprofs.com Offers study guides, practice tests, and articles for certification exams. gcflearnfree.org gcflearnfree.org …
Global e-book site ranking list top 15 (for reference only)
Name Website Introduction gutenberg.org Https://www.gutenberg.org/ A library of 38,000 free epub books and free kindle books, whose copyright has expired in the U.S.A. calibre-ebook.com calibre-ebook.com …
Top 15 list of global data processing-related websites (for reference only)
Name Website Introduction w3schools.com w3schools.com CSS tutorial with examples, quizzes, references, and an editor. css-tricks.com css-tricks.com Dedicated to the world of CSS and related technologies….
Top 15 list of global classical studies-related websites (for reference only)
Name Website Introduction mit.edu mit.edu Provides 441 online works of classical literature with a powerful search facility. A booklist links directly to relevant pages in…
Top 15 list of global education-related websites (for reference only)
Name Website Introduction britishcouncil.org britishcouncil.org Aims to connect people worldwide with learning opportunities and creative ideas from the UK. Includes resources for teachers and students….
Top 15 list of global literature-related websites (for reference only)
Name Website Introduction wired.com wired.com Award-winning site about web technology and culture. theatlantic.com theatlantic.com A regularly updated companion website to the magazine Atlantic Monthly. Includes…
Top 15 list of global writer application websites (for reference only)
Name Website Introduction urbandictionary.com urbandictionary.com A veritable cornucopia of streetwise lingo posted and defined by its readers. grammarly.com grammarly.com Online proofreading tool that checks the…
Top 15 list of global blog sites (for reference only)
Name Website Introduction openculture.com openculture.com The educational blog features free online courses, audiobooks, movies, textbooks, eBooks, and language lessons. beautifuldecay.com beautifuldecay.com Beautifuldecay.com started in 1996…
Global visual arts website ranking list top 15 (for reference only)
Name Website Introduction deviantart.com deviantart.com DeviantArt:ArtworkShowcase.com is a large international community website for showcasing and sharing all kinds of artistic creations, founded on August 7,…
Aenean Ut Eros Et “Nisl Sagittis” Vestibulum
Assumenda urna, tincidunt tempora, asperiores arcu autem leo arcu sed, laboriosam voluptas sit ridiculus, ridiculus vestibulum. Iure ac, neque earum. Aperiam ea eleifend est, dictumst,…