Microsoft and AOL Announce Historic Search Partnership

Microsoft and AOL announced a landmark partnership today, agreeing to provide Bing search engine services for AOL’s websites and mobile devices. The deal, which goes into effect on 2023-09-19, marks a significant development in the search market as Microsoft aims to grow its share and provide advertisers and marketers with more opportunities to connect with consumers.

“All Bing Ads advertising products will be launched on AOL search traffic websites, providing more quality say to marketers and getting closer to consumers. Our collaboration with AOL will create additional sales opportunities for advertisers and salespeople,” Microsoft said in a statement.

The announcement follows a new modified search agreement between Microsoft and Yahoo, which will allow Yahoo to use Bing’s search results for 51% of its searches, up from 100%. Microsoft’s deal with Yahoo will also take effect on 2023-09-19, while the Bing search engine’s market share has grown to one-fifth of the US PC web search market.

The collaboration with AOL includes some of its well-known websites such as Huffington Post, Engadget, TechCrunch, and others, all of which will be powered by the Bing search engine.

The agreement marks a significant milestone for Microsoft in the search market as it continues to grow its share and forge new partnerships to stay competitive with industry giants like Google. The deal with AOL represents another key move for Microsoft in expanding its Bing search engine’s reach and improving its position in the highly competitive web search market.

Author: listenerxu
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