List of websites in Chad for news, video sites, TV, radio, newspapers, etc. (for reference only)

NameWebsiteRelationships Introduction
THE PRESIDENCY OF THE REPUBLIC OF TCHAD website is the official website of the Presidency of Chad. The Republic of Chad, or Chad for short, is located in north-central Africa, with the capital and seat of government in N’Djamena, and the official languages are French and Arabic. Chad has a republican, semi-presidential system in which the president is the head of state and the prime minister is the head of government, and executive power is exercised jointly by the president and the government. The language of the site is French.
w_template=country_r.tpl&footer_t is the largest social music website in Africa. The site contains information on the latest music albums available in Chad, gigs, music video charts, and more. Visitors can find thousands of African songs, videos, and radio shows here.
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