List of Vatican news and video websites, TV, radio, newspapers, etc. (for information only)

Name WebsiteRelationshipsIntroduction
Vatican Watch Vatican Watch is one of the largest portals in the Vatican. The Vatican is a papal state, so the content of the site is almost non-existent in terms of dating, entertainment, and sports, and is mainly biased towards religion, providing all kinds of information about the Vatican and links to other major websites.
Vatican Radio Vatican Radio, the official radio station of the Holy See, is located in the Vatican City State. Today it offers programs in 40 languages via shortwave, mediumwave, FM, and satellite. Currently, in mainland China, listeners can hear Vatican Radio’s Mandarin broadcasts via the Internet and shortwave.
L’Osservatore Romano L’Osservatore Romano is the semi-official newspaper of the Holy See created by the Vatican, with an official website in Italian. It covers all the Pope’s public activities, publishes the words of important priests, and issues official notes on documents after being released. The publication is published in nine different languages.
L’Osservatore Romano Be informed in a comprehensive way about the Pope’s activities and the work of the Holy See to promote the cause of evangelization.
Vatican Radio Vatican Radio, the official radio station of the Holy See, is located in the Vatican City State. Today it offers programs in 40 languages via shortwave, mediumwave, FM, and satellite. Currently, in mainland China, listeners can hear Vatican Radio’s Mandarin broadcasts via the Internet and shortwave.
Vatican government website Vatican government website, available in Chinese, German, English, and Spanish, with content on the Pope, the Holy See, the Bible, Catholic Catechism, and more. The Vatican City State, or Vatican for short, is the smallest country in the world today
ROME REPORTS The Rome Reporter is a private, independent international television news agency based in Rome, Italy, specializing in news about the Pope, the Vatican, and religion, and analyzing issues relating to global interests, human development, and emerging trends.
Author: listenerxu
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