List of Kyrgyzstan video sites, TV, radio, newspapers, and other websites (for information only)

Gazeta.kg newspaper, digesting and analyzing news from foreign media on Kyrgyzstan and Central Asia.
Kyrgyzstan 24 hours news agency news agency in Kyrgyzstan.
Kyrgyz News Agency (АКИpress) of Kyrgyzstan’s АКИpress news agency.
Website of the Government of Kyrgyzstan of the Government of Kyrgyzstan, the language of the website is Russian. The Kyrgyz Republic, or Kyrgyzstan for short, is located in the central part of the subcontinent, with its capital and seat of government in Bishkek, and its official language is Kirghiz, Russian.
KTR www.ktrk.kgKTR is the national television station of Kyrgyzstan, providing and updating all kinds of programs broadcasted by the station, offering a schedule of programs, online videos, access to past programs, etc. The website language is Russian.
Namba portalhttp://namba.kgNamba is a well-known portal in Kyrgyzstan, offering comprehensive web services such as news, social networking, instant messaging, photo gallery, and videos. The language of the website is Russian. is a website dedicated to the collection of Kyrgyz music and traditional music of Central Asia, featuring profiles of famous musicians and composers from Central Asian countries, introduction to traditional instruments, folk music of Kyrgyzstan and its development, etc.
Sport.kzSport.kzThis website is a sports portal in Kyrgyzstan, with sports newsletters from home and abroad as well as event schedules, event videos, and live streaming.
Advantour is a domestic international travel agency in Kyrgyzstan that extends to Uzbekistan and focuses on providing cultural tourism services along the Silk Road, as well as business tourism services. The website is available in five languages: English, Japanese, German, French, and Russian.
Author: listenerxu
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