List of Guatemalan news and video websites, TV, radio, newspapers, etc. (for information only)

Name Website RelationshipsIntroduction
GOBIERNO DE LA REPÚBLICA DE GUATEMALA Website of the Government of Guatemala, the language of the website is Spanish. The Republic of Guatemala, or Guatemala for short, is located in the southern part of the North American continent, with Guatemala City as its capital and seat of government, and Spanish as its official language. Guatemala has a presidential republican system, with the President as Head of State, Head of Government, and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, who holds the highest executive power in the country.
VISIT GUATEMALA The Guatemala Tourism Board is a website about Guatemala’s local culture, and natural environment, and a travel guide, providing comprehensive travel tips such as local cuisine, special attractions, hotel accommodation, things to do, and more. In addition to this, users can watch videos and photography exhibitions of the local scenery, as well as detailed information about the cities in the destination.
CANAL ANTIGUA Antigua TV is one of the largest TV stations in Guatemala and is well-known in the country. It offers a schedule of programs, previews of content, reviews of highlights, top news stories, reviews of programs, etc. The website is in Spanish.
PRENSA LIBRE Prensa Libre (Free Press) is the second largest newspaper circulating in Guatemala, founded in 1951. The Prensa Libre website offers national and international news, sports, entertainment, email, search, horoscopes, forums, etc. The website language is Spanish.
ENJOY TRAVEL Enjoy the journey travel agency’s business scope covers domestic tourism, and inbound tourism, mainly engaged in the organization and reception of travel and tourism, holiday and leisure, business visits, health care and physical examination across the country, booking of aircraft tickets, room, car, cruise ship rental business, and with a number of international well-known travel agencies to establish a good relationship of cooperation.
NUESTRO DIARIO El Popular is the most widely circulated and circulated newspaper in Guatemala and in Latin America, with a daily circulation of between 270,000 and 300,000 in Spanish.
1850 TV 1850 Guatemala is one of the leading television stations in Guatemala. It offers up-to-date schedules, previews, guides, online videos of frequent content, and various topical news and information in the Spanish language.
VEA CANAL VEA Canal is one of the leading commercial TV stations in Guatemala, offering various program guides, previews, schedules, recaps, online viewing of some programs, various news updates, program reviews, etc. The website is in Spanish.
CANAL 27 Canal 27, located in Guatemala City, Guatemala, is one of the most famous commercial TV stations in Guatemala, with high ratings in Guatemala, offering schedules, program guides, previews of program content, etc. The website language is Spanish.
LOS40.COM As the Guatemalan branch of, los40 also provides information on the most popular music of the moment, including information on music, music videos, the Universal Music Top 40, and a community offering online discussions. The site is currently only available in Spanish.
GUATEMALA TIMES The Guatemalan Times is an English-language news site founded primarily by a group of volunteers. Because it does not have the funds to cover more comprehensive news or translate valuable material, all content is sourced for free from similar news outlets, think tanks, etc. Coverage includes politics, economics, business, tourism, sports, culture, archaeology, the latest news, etc.
TURANSA.COM Tauranga Travel Guatemala was founded in 1988 in Guatemala City, Antigua, and opened a branch in Guatemala City in 1995. The agency, which initially focused on providing airline reservations and consulting services, has become the headquarters and management agency of Turanasa. The agency was the first tour operator to offer itinerant tours from Antigua, Guatemala to Guatemala City and is one of the few tour operators in Antigua that has been operating for over 18 years.
El Periódico  Guatemalan El Periódico is a Guatemalan daily newspaper in Spanish. The newspaper was founded on 6 November 1996 by José Ruzamora.
Siglo Veintiuno  Guatemalan Siglo Veintiuno (Guatemala’s 21st Century) is a Guatemalan Spanish-language daily newspaper. The newspaper was founded in 1990 by José Ruzamora. In 1995, its staff was awarded the International Press Freedom Award by the Committee to Protect Journalists.
Author: listenerxu
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