List of Austrian video sites, TV, radio, newspapers, etc. (for information only)

Name WebsiteRelationshipsIntroduction
Video2Brain is a free training platform for individuals and companies founded in 2002 by an Austrian company; it offers video content for teaching German, French, Spanish, and English
Oe24.at is the Austrian portal for sports, wealth, business, economy, entertainment, life, and more. The language of the website is German.
Austrian Television Television is the largest and first privately owned television station in Austria, with dozens of channels offering online access to a wide range of programs, news, community, weather, program content, etc. The website is in German.
Austria 9 9 is one of the most influential Austrian TV stations, offering mainly lifestyle and entertainment programs, mainly online videos of selected programs, program introductions, past program reviews, viewer forums, and other various TV services, the website language is German.
The Side, Austria (Austria) is Austria’s largest circulation political weekly and the second-largest magazine in Austria, founded on September 7, 1970, and based in Vienna, the magazine covers domestic and international, political, economic, social, and cultural aspects.
Austria Today Today is one of Austria’s daily newspapers. The website is in English and covers politics, economics, general news, sports, and other news.
Presse Austria Presse is an Austrian newspaper based in Vienna, founded in 1946. The newspaper covers general news topics, including relevant news from Austria and internationally, and has a readership of around 350,000.
Kronen Zeitung (Austrian newspaper) Austrian newspaper Kronen Zeitung is the largest-selling daily newspaper in Austria. Founded in 1900, it is a small, four-page newspaper with sixty-four pages per day, focusing on social news and recreational texts, with a daily circulation of more than one million copies and a readership of around three million people.
Der Standard Standard (Austrian Standard) is a mainstream Austrian news media, formerly known as a financial newspaper, currently providing national, international, sports, culture, health, science, tourism, family, and other news, with more than 200,000 readers, more than 200 staff and a correspondent station in China.
Wiener Zeitung Wiener Zeitung is the oldest newspaper still in circulation in the world. Founded in 1703, it provides news from the city of Vienna, Austria, Europe, and internationally, covering many aspects of politics, culture, economics, and sports.
Kurier Austrian newspaper Kurier (Courier) is the third largest newspaper in Austria, founded in 1945 and based in Vienna, providing national, international, political, economic, cultural, and sports news
ORF Austrian Broadcasting Group (ORF) is the national public broadcasting group of Austria, financed by television licensing and limited advertising. After Albania, Austria was the last country to license a “private state broadcaster”.
Austria Presse Agentur Austrian Presse Agentur (APA) is Austria’s largest news agency, founded in 1946 and based in Vienna. It provides Austrian newspapers and radio stations with news from the world’s major news agencies, and sometimes official Austrian news as well.
Austrian news Austrian news agency, established in 1946, mainly provides news from the world’s major news agencies to Austrian newspapers and radio stations, and sometimes publishes official Austrian news as well.
Wiener Zeitungwww.wienerzeitung.atAustrianWiener Zeitung, the world’s oldest newspaper and the most popular newspaper in Austria and Europe, was founded in 1703 and is now the official press of the Austrian government. On 7 January 2014, Zhao Bin published an op-ed in the newspaper entitled “Japan must deeply reflect on its war of aggression”, condemning Japanese Prime Minister Abe’s visit to Yasukuni Shrine.
Comprehensive Austrian portal. Austrian portal.
Networld.athttp://www.networld.atAustrianComprehensive Austrian portal.
GMX Austrian portal with free Email, news, shopping, and other Internet services.
Go TV TV is Austria’s largest music television station, located in Vienna, Austria. It broadcasts music programs 24 hours a day, mainly presenting the various music programs broadcast by the station, auditions, previews, and other kinds of information, the website language is German.
Puls 4 4 is the second largest private television station in Austria, offering lifestyle and entertainment programs, online viewing, program previews, past program search, shopping, weather, and other information in German.
Author: listenerxu
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