In Suriname, the tourist attractions, In the tourist season, are The Most popular places to go.

The following content is only for reference and learning, and the ranking is not divided.

1Suriname Nature Conservation CenterThe rich and varied mountains, terrain, and soil of the Suriname nature reserve center form a diversified ecosystem here, and this diversity makes various biota in the ecosystem constantly move and change to adapt to the changing environment and maintain the genetic continuity between populations. The vast border of the Suriname nature reserve, the primitive environment with few human traces, and the protection of the entire koponamo River Watershed by human beings have maintained the virtuous cycle of the ecosystem for a long time.
The species of animals and plants here are also distributed in diversity, many of which are unique and endangered species in the Guyana shield. There are many natural reserves in Suriname, but the land is not fertile. There are lowlands, mountain forests, tropical rain forests, and isolated tropical grasslands. The tropical rain forest in the reserve is also the largest and broadest tropical rain forest in the equatorial belt that has not been destroyed, inhabited, and killed indiscriminately. Due to the humid climate and other reasons, the plant species in the reserve are rich and numerous, with nearly 6000 species of vascular plants and 47 species of plant species unique to the reserve. The nature reserve is also rich in animal species, including 680 species of birds, 185 species of mammals, 152 species of reptiles, 95 species of amphibians, 790 species of fish, and more than 400 species of birds. Suriname has a total of 1890 vertebrates, of which 3% are endemic.
Central Suriname nature reserve, with a total area of 1.6 million hectares, is home to the original tropical rainforest unique to the central and western regions of Suriname. There are many original topologies and ecosystems in the reserve. It plays an important role in protecting the upper reaches of koponamo and is the source of many rivers and has very significant protection value. There are many kinds of plants in the mountain forests and lowland forests in the central nature reserve of Suriname. At present, more than 5000 kinds of vascular plants have been found. There are also many local unique animals in the reserve, including the Jaguar, giant armadillo, river otter, tapir, tree otter, and 8 species of primates. There are also more than 400 birds, including harpy hawk, Guyana moving crown stray bird, and deep red macaw.
2ParamariboParamaribo is the capital of the 17th century. It is very elegant and has various colonial buildings such from the Netherlands, France, Spain, and Britain. Magnificent brick buildings and wooden houses crowded narrow streets. The towering palms form a boulevard, mangroves stand on both sides of the river, and mosques and synagogues stand side by side.
Paramaribo means “the capital of flowers” in the Indian language. Due to its tropical location, the whole urban area is connected with coconut forests, and palm trees are shaded. You can see a lot of coconut trees everywhere. On both sides of the street, there are towering palm trees, handsome and tall mahogany trees, and tamarind trees. All kinds of trees are covered with red and purple flowers. The most common are some clumps of shrubs, with various colors of flowers competing for beauty, including red, purple, yellow, white, and other colors. The “Faya ruby” known as the “national flower” is more colorful. “Faya ruby” means “fire like friendship” in the local language. The bright red small petals are clustered into a sphere, like a big red hydrangea. There is also a tropical tree with red flowers, which is called the “firework tree” by the local people. When the flowers bloom, they are like thick flames, giving people a sense of prosperity and enthusiasm.
3 Suriname R.Suriname river is located in the middle of Suriname and originates from the Wilhelmina mountains of the Guyana plateau. The upper source is the Gran River, which flows northward through the tropical forest area and alluvial lowlands and flows into the Atlantic Ocean north of Paramaribo. Surinam river has a total length of about 500 kilometers. The upper and middle reaches of the river are sandwiched by canyons. The riverbed has a large drop and many rapids; The downstream is widened and the estuary is open. Ocean-going ships can reach Paramaribo, and small and medium-sized ships can go up about 100 kilometers.
Surinam river is rich in hydraulic resources. The reservoir built in afubaka in the middle reaches is one of the largest artificial lakes in South America. It is connected with the salamaka River in the west by a canal. Suriname river is the most important river in Suriname, and almost all imports and exports need to pass through this river. The output of bauxite, alumina, and aluminum and the input of daily necessities all pass through this river, which plays a vital role in the economic development of Suriname.
4Nieuw AmsterdamIt is an open-air museum, half an hour’s drive from the capital.
5Maroni RiverMaroni river is a river located in the north of South America and the boundary river between French Guiana and Suriname. It originates from the northern slope of the tumor human mountain range, flows northward through the tropical rainforest area, and flows into the Atlantic Ocean at point Galibi, 30km south of Saint Laurent. It is about 725 kilometers long, and there are many waterfalls and rapids in the upper and middle reaches, producing placer gold; The downstream and estuary are wide and there are many small islands, which can be navigable by medium-sized ships to Saint Laurent; The main tributary is the tapanahoni River in Suriname from the southwest.
In the northward flow of the Maroni River, it receives tributaries such as oulemari River, marouini River, tampon River, in River, going River, tapanahoni River, and about my River, among which the largest tributary is tapanahoni River; The river originates from the west slope of tumukumak mountain range and flows to the northwest. After receiving tributaries such as Paloemeu River and Jai River along the way, it finally flows into the Maroni river. The beautiful scenery and tropical plants along the Maroni River attract many tourists.
6Pepperpot Nature ParkIf you are near here, you must go for a walk.
7Historic Inner City of ParamariboThe historical inner city of Paramaribo is located in the administrative district of Paramaribo, Suriname, on the West Bank of the Suriname River, about 23 kilometers away from the entrance of the Suriname River into the Atlantic Ocean. Paramaribo was once a Dutch colony from the 17th to the 18th century. Its name may be derived from a village in the past. Paramaribo is divided into 12 districts, and the number of buildings in it exceeds 1000.
The old downtown of Paramaribo still maintains the original and distinctive street layout. The buildings in the inner city still show the gradual integration of Dutch architectural style with local traditional building methods and building materials. The architecture of Paramaribo is a mixture of Dutch, German, French, and later American influences, which reflect the historical development of Suriname. Thus Paramaribo acquired its unique characteristics. The buildings are mainly of wood structure, and fewer bricks are used. The magnificent brick structure overlooks the green square, and the wooden houses are crowded in the narrow streets. The towering palms form a boulevard, and mangroves stand on both sides of the river bank. The residents of the city belong to many nationalities, which makes the city have churches, synagogues, mosques, and temples of various structures.
8Albina townLocated in the northeast of Suriname, not only can you see the black people in the jungle, but also there are indigenous Indians. Voodoo fire dance can sometimes be seen on the way.
9SaramaccaRiverJungle tour in the upper reaches of saramarca River: it takes three days and two nights to reach the original gold town, where you can find gold and fish.
10BrownsbergNatureParkIt is a specially protected area for birds. According to bird experts, there are more than 600 species identified and archived. Stay in macaroni Lodge, which is located in the beautiful scenic area of afobaka.
11WestAfricanVillagesLocated in the jungle on the upper reaches of the Suriname River, the village is inhabited by jungle blacks. They are descendants of African slaves who fled to the jungle in the early days and are now protected by the government to meet the needs of anthropologists for research and tourism.
12Fort ZeelandiaIt was built during the French colonial period. At that time, it was the warehouse of the French colonists. After the colonial rule of France, Britain, and the Netherlands, it was also transformed into a prison. In the 1980s, it was the military station of Suriname, and in 1972, it was transformed into a museum.
Fort Zeelandia is located in the south of Independence Square in Paramaribo City, close to the Suriname river. It was originally built by French colonists as a warehouse. During World War II, colonists from the Netherlands occupied this place and converted it into a prison. In 1972, it officially became a national museum. It’s very old. The tickets are very cheap. There is a special coffee shop with a good environment. There are films on the second floor in the visiting room, all of which are educational films related to the Dutch slave trade.
Author: listenerxu
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