If I want to travel to Peru one day, what scenic spots can I choose?

As the birthplace of the Inca civilization, Peru is rich in tourism resources. In 2011, there were 36 5-star hotels, 52 4-star hotels, 548 3-star hotels, 1079 2-star hotels and 362 1-star hotels in China. The main tourist attractions include Cusco City, Machu Picchu ruins, Lima grand square, and the gold museum.

The following content is only for reference and learning, and the ranking is not divided.

1Gocta CataractsGokta waterfall is located in chachaboas of the Amazon region, northeast of Lima, 700 kilometers away from Lima. It is the most famous waterfall in Peru. Before 2005, gokta waterfall was well known by Peruvians, but it was not well known in the world. In 2005, German explorers discovered this magnificent waterfall, which has become famous in the world ever since.
Gokta waterfall is 771 meters high. It is the fifth highest waterfall in the world and also the third highest jumping waterfall in the world, second only to anher waterfall in Venezuela and tugella waterfall in South Africa. Gokta waterfall is a two-level waterfall, which is divided into two sections. Each section is vertical and spectacular. Finally, the water of the waterfall flows into the cocahuayco river. In order to appreciate the waterfall, people need to walk through the primeval forest for 5 hours to reach their destination. Unfortunately, there are no travel routes open so far. After a long journey, you can not only enjoy the waterfalls, but also see hummingbirds, Hornbills, monkeys, and other wild animals.
2Plaza de toros de AchoLocated in Lima, the capital of Peru, achu bullring is the top bullring in Peru. It has been listed as a national historic site. It is the oldest bullring in America and the third oldest bullring in the world after Seville bullring square in Spain and the Arles arena in France.
The achu bullring was opened in 1766. It is made of traditional mud bricks and wood. The diameter of the central site is 90 meters. The spectator stand is divided into 15 areas from the north side door anticlockwise. Areas 2 to 7 are shaded areas, areas 9 to 15 are sunbathing areas, and areas 1 and 8 are shaded and sunbathing alternating areas. There is a referee box in zone 1 and a governor (president) box in Zone 8. Achu bullring can accommodate 17000 spectators to watch the match. Every time the season comes, it will be filled with bullfighting fans. Everyone is extremely excited, shouting and shouting.
The bullfighting exhibition will be held on the weekend from October to November every year. Outstanding bullfighting talents from all over the world will gather here. The best bullfighter can get the golden shoulder blade.
3HuacachinaWakacina oasis is a small village located in the ICA region in southwest Peru. Only more than 100 people live here. This green oasis is known as the most beautiful oasis in South America, and now it also appears on Peru’s new SOL 50 yuan notes.
Wakacina oasis is hidden in the desert for hundreds of miles. It is built along a natural lake in the desert. Known as the “oasis of America”, it is a resort for local residents and world tourists. It is centered on a clear lake. Palm trees and eucalyptus trees are planted along the lake, and residential houses are built. The lake is surrounded by high sand dunes, which attract countless curious tourists every year. The emerald green and clear in front of you reflect the unique palm style of the sand. The sand dunes around you are also reflected in the startling flood, which constitutes the most charming scenery in the desert.
The lake in wakacina oasis has become the most ideal place for swimming, and the undulating dunes around the lake have become the best place for sand skating, attracting sand skating enthusiasts to challenge the high dunes all year round.
4ChachapoyasChachaboas is a city located in northwest Peru. It is located in the valley of utkubanba and is the capital of the Amazon region. Founded by Spanish colonists in September 1538, it is a city with southern hemisphere style.
Independence Square is located in the east of the city and is a famous local scenic spot. On the square stands a monument commemorating the hero of Chachapoyas in the battle of June 1821. Located in the west of the city, it is a hill. There is a well here. It is said that Santo Toribio de mogrovejo got spring water from the rocks to solve the drought problem in this area. The fountain near the hill is popular with tourists. There are two streams of water. It is said that if someone is lucky to drink the first stream of water, he will feel love, but if he drinks the second stream, he will feel resentment. The commercial street with many exquisite shops and characteristic cafes is an important leisure and shopping place for local residents. Here, you can not only experience the Peruvian culture with Indian and Spanish characteristics but also see the ancient painted pottery and sculpture technology and taste the local cuisine.
5Qhapaq Ñan, Andean Road SystemThe Inca ancient road passes through six South American countries, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Chile, Argentina, and Bolivia, with a total length of about 30000 kilometers, of which 7000 kilometers are covered with historical sites. This ancient road was built along the Andes mountains by the Inca Empire from 1438 to 1532. It was the transportation artery for the Inca people to produce, live and trade when the rulers of that time conveyed the decrees.
On the east line, the ancient road crosses the Puna grassland and alpine valleys, and extends from Quito to Mendoza; The western line is built on the coastal plain, but it does not include the coastal desert surrounding the foot of the mountain. More than 20 lines cross the mountainous area in the west, while others shuttle between the peaks and lowlands of the eastern mountains. Some roads even exceed 5000 meters above sea level. The ancient road provided a simple, reliable, and fast route for the civil and military communications, personnel flow, and logistics support of the Empire. The main users were imperial soldiers, porters, American camel caravans and nobles, and individuals who handled official business.
6Colca CanyonKoka Grand Canyon is a grand canyon beside the Koka River, located 160 kilometers northwest of Arequipa. It is one of the deepest canyons in the world. The altitude of the canyon ranges from 2000 meters to 4000 meters. In the canyon, you can find small towns from the Spanish colonial period. The town has always been inhabited, and the traditional living habits are maintained. Terraces are cultivated.
The Koka Grand Canyon is not always so deep. The shallow part is open. When you look down from the mountain, you can see the layers of terraces cultivated by farmers, which are exquisite and delicate. The main purpose of many visitors to the Koka Grand Canyon is to appreciate the wild South American vulture, which is a large bird of prey unique to America and feeds on animal carcasses. The body length of the adult vulture can reach more than 1 meter, and the length of its wings after spreading is more than 3 meters. It is definitely the “Big Mac” of birds. Vultures have become a major feature of the Koka Grand Canyon. The best time to appreciate them is when they forage, that is, in the early morning and dusk.
7Cotahuasi CanyonKota Huaxi Canyon is located near Arequipa. It is the deepest canyon in the world. It is about 3535 meters deep, 335 meters deeper than the Koka Grand Canyon, and twice as deep as the Colorado Grand Canyon in the United States. Kota Huaxi Canyon is formed by the long-term erosion of two mountain ranges by the Kota Huaxi River. The canyon is deep and long. Kota Huaxi gorge is like a serpentine snake, shuttling between two high mountains. It is amazing that the powerful erosion force of water is infinite, thus creating the magnificent Kota Huaxi gorge.
8Bahuaja-Sonene National ParkLocated in the southeast of Peru, bahua sonini National Park was established in 1996 and covers an area of 1092 hectares. The park is still in a very primitive state, almost no human beings have set foot in it, and the damage is very small. Bahaya sonini National Park is full of tropical forests, adjacent to the tropical foothills, and the grassland is endless. It is natural tropical scenery.
Bahua sonini National Park has protected countless plants, birds, mammals, reptiles, insects, and fish, as well as some rare and endangered animals and plants, some of which are unique to Peru and will not grow in other places, including two species of parrots and at least 28 butterflies. There are at least 20000 species of plants, 600 species of birds, 174 species of mammals, 232 species of fish, and 1200 species of butterflies in the park. There are also wild fruits in the mountains and lowlands of the park. Pineapple and guava can be seen everywhere.
9Cutervo National ParkCudelbo National Park is the oldest national park in Peru. It was established on September 8, 1961, and covers an area of 82 square kilometers. It is the first protected area established by the Peruvian government. At the beginning of the park’s establishment, it was only 25 square kilometers, and later it expanded to 82 square kilometers. The purpose of the park is to protect the diverse animals and plants and the beautiful natural scenery in the park.
The endangered animals living in the cudelbo national park include the Jaguar, leopard cat, spectacled bear, otter in the new tropical region, Savannah cat, mountain tapir, and the national bird of Peru, the Andes umbrella bird. There are many caves in the park, which are also the habitat of the endangered animal oil beetle, and other birds living in the caves. At dawn in the morning, when the birds flock out of the cave, the scene is very spectacular. They fly and sing to celebrate the arrival of the new day.
10Yumbilla fallsYunbia waterfall is the fifth highest waterfall in the world, about 896 meters high, and the highest waterfall in Peru. Yunbia waterfall is composed of four waterfalls of different sizes. Although the waterfall is high, the water flow is not large. The water flows down from the 896-meter-high cliff, like a white, straight belt falling from the sky. With such a high drop, the water flow is really rare and incredible.
11MáncoraMancola is a small town in Peru, a well-known beach resort town in the Piura district. Mankola town is famous for its charming blue-green beaches and choppy waves. Due to its fierce waves, mankola is the best choice for surfing.
Every year, the warm current of El Ni ñ O and the cold current of hongbao sea current visit mankola, making the mandola a beach tropical style. The sea water temperature is constant, and the temperature is 24 degrees all year round. The temperature of mancala in winter and spring is never lower than 25 degrees, making it a famous beach town. There are more than 20 resorts in this beach town. Tourists mainly come from South America. Countless luxury restaurants and nightclubs have been built in the town for tourists to relax and entertain. Mandola is a combination of surfing, swimming, and entertainment. Here, you can relax and play freely.
12Huanchaco BeachWanchaco beach is a famous summer resort in Peru. It is famous for surfing. It has realized the dreams of many surfers. Surfers can show their posture and style on wancha beach and express their surfing skills incisively and vividly.
There is rental surfing equipment on the beach, and tourists can choose their favorite equipment at will. In addition to playing, you can also enjoy delicious food at wanchake beach. The most famous food in wanchake beach is pickled fish in lime juice. Visitors here must taste it, so it will be worthwhile. Tourists who can’t surf can feast their eyes on other people’s surfing. It is also a pleasure to sit on the beach and watch the tourists who are full of interest walk through the waves.
13Amazon RiverThe Amazon River, also known as the Amazon River, is located in South America. It is the world’s largest river with the largest flow, the largest basin, the largest tributaries, and the second longest river in the world. The flow of the Amazon River is 219000 cubic meters per second, which is several times larger than the total of the other three major rivers, the Nile, the Yangtze River, and the Mississippi River. It is about equivalent to the flow of seven Yangtze rivers, accounting for 20% of the world’s river flow; The drainage area reaches 6915000 square kilometers, accounting for 40% of the area of South America; The number of tributaries exceeds 15000.
The seasonal rainfall causes the Amazon River and its tributaries to flood frequently. In the rainy season, the Amazon River can submerge hundreds of thousands of square kilometers. The flood depth in some places is 12 to 15 meters higher than the lowest water level in the dry season. There are many aquatic organisms living in the Amazon River. The Amazon dolphin is the largest freshwater dolphin in the world, with an adult of 2.6 meters. There are also piranhas, which live in groups. In the shallow water of the Amazon River Basin, there are anacondas, which are the largest snakes in the world. They spend most of their time in the water and only expose their nostrils. However, anacondas generally do not attack fishermen. In addition, there are thousands of fish, crabs, and turtles living in the river.
14Plaza San MartinSan Martin square is one of the most representative squares in Peru, formerly known as Marte square. During the war of independence, general Saint Martin trained cavalry here. On February 25, 1878, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of general San Martin, the Argentine people named the Square San Martin.
St. Martin’s Square is square and covers an area of 24600 square meters. On the square stands the bronze horse riding statue of general St. Martin, the national hero who made great achievements in the South American War of independence. Saint Martin is a world-famous figure in South America, who led Argentines to achieve independence. The statue of Saint Martin is an iron horse, looking into the distance as a winner. The buildings of St. Martin’s Square are gradually built. They are relatively tall European buildings, including the exquisite palace of St. Martin and the palace of Bolivar.
Many people often gather in the square. They are free to speak and debate and can speak on any topic related to people’s livelihood. What is even more incredible is that old people, women, children, and even adult men will shine shoes on San Martin square, which is also the most concentrated shoe-shining square in Peru.
15Plaza MayorPeru’s central square, also known as the weapons square, is the birthplace of Lima and the center of Lima. The central square is a witness to many important events in Peru’s political life. In 1821, general San Martin declared Peru’s independence here.
16、 In the 17th century, there were many small shops around the square, and various traders gathered. The square was also used as a bullring and a place for the execution of the death penalty in the inquisition. A body burner was set up in the center of the square to burn people sentenced to death. It was later abolished. A copper fountain was built in the original place, which is very distinctive and has been preserved to this day. The central square is a place to celebrate important festivals. Every year, grand festivals or major events will be held here. The central square is surrounded by the presidential palace, the municipal government, and the cathedral. In the square, you can also see the performance of the band. They play and sing in the square, attracting many spectators.
16Historical Centre of the City of ArequipaArequipa is located at a place 2325 meters high in the Andes. This beautiful city is completely built of a white unconsolidated volcanic tuff. This is why people call it a white city. The whole city is always full of vitality like spring. The ancient city of Arequipa is built of white volcanic tuff, combining the technology and architectural form of European architecture and local traditional architecture. It is a wonderful masterpiece of Spanish colonists and local indigenous people.
The beauty of the ancient city of arepaki is vividly displayed in the solid walls, arches and vaults, courtyards, and spacious open spaces, as well as its complicated Baroque decorative murals. The decorative buildings in the ancient city of arepaki are innovative on the basis of integrating the essence of European architecture and local traditional architecture. The creation and integration of technology and architectural forms is an important expression of the ancient city culture in alepaki region.
Although the ancient city of arepaki was built by Spanish colonists, it can be seen everywhere in the city that the geographical environment, local indigenous cultural factors, the gradual deepening of colonial conquest and religious conquest, and the impact of the magnificent natural scenery around the ancient city.
17Sacred City of Caral-SupeCarol supei holy city, with a history of 5000 years, covers an area of 626 hectares. It is located on the dry desert platform beside the green valley of the supei River, overlooking the green valley of the super river. It is one of the oldest civilization centers in America. It lasted from 3000 BC to 1800 BC, and its prosperity was about the same as that of ancient civilizations such as Egypt, Mesopotamia, China, and India. During the prosperity of this civilization, there were a large number of tall and simple buildings, such as large-scale platform mounds. The design and construction of the Carol supei holy city site are complex, including six large pyramid structures.
Archeologists have found evidence of the existence of knotted characters and weaving techniques at the site. In addition to being well preserved, the most impressive thing about the site is the complexity of its design and architecture, especially its monuments, earthen platforms, and sunken circular lanes. One of the 18 urban residential areas is also located in the same area. Carroll has a complex and huge architectural structure, including six large pyramid structures.
The knotted writing found on the site (the tying system used by the Andean civilization to record information) proves the development and complexity of Carol society. The planning of the city and some of its components, including the pyramid structure and exquisite houses, show the remarkable characteristics of ceremonial activities, marking a strong religious thought.
18Chavin (Archaeological Site)Xia Wen’s archaeological site is a culture that originated from 1500 BC to 300 BC and developed in the high mountains and valleys of the Andes in Peru. The slopes and squares here are surrounded by stone buildings, accompanied by a large number of animal-shaped decorations, and the scenery is unique and colorful. The site is a place of worship in ancient times, and also a long-standing and famous place before Colombia. The site includes a residential area and a memorial art building connected to it.
The settlement was built in the first millennium of A.D. in the historical process of this millennium, the number of residents in the settlement has grown from only about 1000 to two to three times the number of original residents; After the construction of the Memorial Art Building, it has been continuously renovated and expanded for most of the millennium. Monumental art buildings include a series of trapezoidal floors, platforms, and buildings made of stone and plaster.
These architectural structures represent a pair of temple complexes, which can be called old temples and new temples. Each comprehensive building is surrounded by a “U” shaped earth pier outside the open pit. The center of the old temple square is a circle, while the center of the new temple square is a square. Among these ruins, the most amazing are the many galleries built in the temple complex when it was built.
19Santa Catalina MonasterySt. Katrina monastery was founded in 1580 and expanded in the 17th century. It covers an area of more than 20000 square meters and occupies a whole block. The monastery is in the architectural style of the mudihar people, and the walls are painted in different colors. The monastery is surrounded by high walls. The outer wall is red and the interior is extremely luxurious. The outer wall of the room is painted brown or blue. The courtyard is full of strange flowers and trees, and there is a beautiful fountain, like a park.
Most of the nuns who lived in the monastery of St. Katrina are mixed descendants of the daughters of Spanish officers and Inca nobles. The monastery is a “five-star prison” to the letter. Although the nuns wear plain black nuns clothes, the furniture and utensils they use come from far away from Madrid or Paris, and their luxury is not much worse than that of European princes and nobles. Nuns are not allowed to have mirrors in their rooms. No one has ever seen their faces in their lives. Nuns are not allowed to go out all their lives. They have trapped in this luxurious prison all their lives.
20Punta SalSalpen beach is a small beach in Peru. Because the warm current of El Ni ñ O and the cold current of hongbao sea current meet here, salpen beach has sufficient and warm sunshine all year round. Saleen beach is one of the longest beaches on the north coast of Peru. The seawater is warm and quiet. The annual temperature of the seawater is 25-29 degrees.
The beach is divided into two parts, i.e. the big carbon beach and the small carbon beach. Scalping beach is long and long, with fine and soft sand. There are many thatched pavilions on the beach for tourists to rest. On the beach, groups of children happily play, play, play, sweet lovers walk on the beach, and healthy young people pick up shells. It is a harmonious picture. The beach under the sunset was dyed golden yellow by the afterglow, and the sea was sparkling and golden. The fishing boats at sea also rushed back before dark to share the fruits of their work with their families. Standing on the beach, the sea breeze blowing in their face makes people feel relaxed and happy.
21Vaskalan National ParkVascular National Park is located in Ancash Province in Western Peru, in the mountains of the Blanca mountains. Vascalan mountain is the main peak of the Srilanka mountain range, with an elevation of 6768 meters. It is the highest peak in Peru. Therefore, the park is named after it. It is the highest Park in the tropical mountain region in the world. The total area of vaskalan National Park is about 3400 square kilometers. The terrain is complex and the scenery is beautiful.
Vaskalan National Park is located in a deep canyon, rising from the torrent of alpine glaciers and rushing down the steep cliff; There are many glaciers and lakes with clear bottoms and a total storage capacity of millions of cubic meters. There are many kinds of plants here, with obvious vertical zoning. There are mountain rain forests in the valley, and alpine tundra and sub-Alpine sparse wet grassland are distributed on the mountain. In the park, there are also rare mammals such as spotted bears and alpacas, as well as Andean bald eagles and large hummingbirds. There, the valleys created by the rapid rivers and glaciers and the various vegetation make this place extremely beautiful and become the home of spectacled bears and Andean vultures. Vascular National Park is the largest park in Peru. It has a good development system to guide mountain trekking and choosing mountain climbing paths. In addition, there is a small tourist center hotel, and camp.
22Manu National ParkManu park is located in the Madre de Dios region and the Cusco region. It is on the east slope of the Andes mountains and is extended by cliffs. The park covers an area of 1.5 million hectares, and the altitude ranges from 150 meters to 4200 meters. Manu National Park has the most protected species in the world. The park covers almost all the ecological and environmental factors in the eastern part of Peru: low-level tropical jungle, mountain forest, and Puna grassland. Each ecological environment has its own fauna and flora. Therefore, Manu park has become the most distinctive and representative Park in the Amazon basin.
Botanists believe that the park contains more plant species than any other protected area in the world. At different heights and geographical locations, there are different flora. However, the more common plant types are low-level tropical rain forests, mountain tropical rain forests, and Puna grassland. There are at least four different ethnic tribes living in the park for a long time, of which the largest and most famous is the Michigan family tribe among the Arawak ethnic groups. Transplant cultivation is the main agricultural cultivation mode of the local residents. These races have been regarded as a natural part of the park. They can do whatever they like in the park, and their lifestyle will not cause any harm to the park.
23Nasca and Jumana grasslandNasca and Jumana grasslands are located in the ICA region in southwest of Peru and are called the “eighth wonder of mankind”. If South America is a continent paved with riddles, cascade painting may be one of the most difficult mysteries. In this dry and desolate barren land, there are long ridges of pebbles and gravel blocks. Some of these stone ridges are in a long straight line, while others are turning inexplicably. Nasca’s earth painting was discovered by chance when looking down at the ground from the air during the survey of water conservancy and irrigation projects. It is called “the largest astronomical book in the world”. People have suddenly discovered that the world’s largest graphic artworks, which can only be viewed from a height of more than 300 meters, have existed on this desolate and barren plateau for thousands of years.
24Rio abicio National ParkThe Rio Nabisco National Park was built in 1983 to protect the animals and plants unique to the humid forests of the Andes. The animals and plants in this park are very local. The Yellow-tailed monkey, which was thought to have been extinct, was found here. The research conducted since 1985 has found 36 previously unknown archaeological sites, all located between 2500 meters and 4000 meters high, which is very conducive to understanding the pre-Inca society.
Rio abiseio National Park is surrounded by the abiseio basin, and the two forms an organic whole. The two tributaries of the Amazon River, the margin River, and the vayaga River, are the main rivers in the park, flowing through both sides of the park. The soil in this area is acidic and has never suffered from agricultural reclamation and logging. The rock type is mainly Precambrian metamorphic rocks. The climate of Rio abicio is tropical and humid, and it gradually cools with the elevation of the terrain.
25Chan Chan Archaeological ZoneFounded in the 12th century A.D., Changchang city is the largest brick city in the world. People there decorated buildings with gold in ancient times. There are also some plants made of precious metals. This ancient city used to be the capital of the Chimu empire with a large population, strong and rich.
In the center of Changchang city is a temple like chazhudi castle. There is a very well-preserved conference hall. The 24 seats are surrounded by the wall of the rectangular courtyard, which looks like a conference hall for debate. The internal sound transmission effect of this hall is different. People sitting in different seats can be heard clearly even if they speak in a low voice. Defensive earth walls are built around them. In addition, there are also brakes reservoirs, some residential areas, and platforms for religious ceremonies. Chazhudi Fort seems to be one of the ten scattered buildings in Changchang city.
Among other interesting buildings, the more prominent ones are hevaka Esmeralda (Emerald Temple) and haka ako Alice (Rainbow Temple). The former was discovered in 1923 and was destroyed by heavy rain in the following two years. The temple is in the shape of a pyramid, with two temple platforms, surrounded by precious reliefs, which are carved with sea creatures and fish; Another tower-shaped temple is the rainbow temple, surrounded by high walls, which are elaborately carved with various creatures.
26Historic Centre of LimaThe city of Lima was officially established in 1535. Due to its political, economic, and cultural role, the historical center of Lima has become a model of Spanish colonial town architecture and urban development in early Latin America. Historically, Lima was responsible for political, religious, and administrative functions, and now it is the capital of Peru.
Most of the architectural monuments in Lima’s historical center can be traced back to the 17th and 18th centuries. Many religious and civil buildings reflect the baroque style, which is a model of the original and unified architectural art of Spain and the United States. Carved doors and wooden balconies add a gorgeous and unique style to the city. In addition to these very important architectural monuments, this historical center also has some relics before the colonial period, including the famous Florida celebration center. As the urban grid layout designed in the planning is the result of the selection and unification of the entire architectural monuments, most of the important architectural monuments are located in Almas square, which is also the center of the colonial city, and the older residential area is located in the south.
The vertical grid layout in the center of Lima city remains the same and still plays its original function. Most of the urban layout of the ancient town has not been affected by the modernization that played a role in other parts of the world in the second half of the 19th century.
27Chawen archaeological siteThe Chavin archaeological site is located in the province of Ancash in Western Peru. Chawen’s archaeological site is located in the east of Blanca mountain in the Andes mountains of Xi’an. The canyon is very narrow, and the width is generally no more than 5 kilometers. The elevation of the site is about 3200 meters, and the high mountains here rise to about 4400 meters above the site. It is one of the birthplaces of ancient American Indian culture.
Chawen’s archaeological site originated from 1500 BC to 300 BC. It is a culture developed in the high mountains and valleys of the Andes in Peru. In chawen City, there are criss-crossing corridors, a tall lansong temple, and Taiyou pyramid, as well as numerous stone tablets. The slopes and squares here are surrounded by stone buildings, accompanied by a large number of animal-shaped decorations, and the scenery is unique and colorful. The site is a place of worship in ancient times, and also a long-standing and famous place before Colombia.
28Qianchang historic siteQianchang is located in la Libertad Province in Northwest Peru. Qian Chang means “sun, sun” in the Qimu language. This is the center of ancient American Chimu culture. From 1200 to 1400, it was the capital of the Indian kingdom of Chimu, which was later annexed by the Inca Empire. After the arrival of the Spanish colonists, a new city was built 5000 meters away from Qianchang, named “Trujillo”. Qianchang was gradually abandoned. Qianchang ancient city, located in the coastal desert, covers an area of about 20 square kilometers and has a population of 100000 in its heyday. It is the largest Tucheng site in the world.
Ten square courtyards have been found in the city, and each courtyard is separated from the adjacent courtyard by a wall. Each courtyard has pyramidal temples, cemeteries, gardens, reservoirs, etc. All the buildings in the city are made of large adobe made of clay, gravel, and shells. The adobe is built into a “pin” shape to increase the firmness of the buildings. The walls of the buildings are painted with mud and decorated with rich and complex reliefs.
29City of CuzcoThe ancient city of Kosco is located in the fertile valley of the East Andes, 3400 meters above sea level. The city was built in 1100 A.D. Under the Inca ruler pachacuti, it developed into the center of a complex city with unique religious and administrative functions. Around the ancient city are clearly visible agricultural, handicraft, and industrial areas. When the Spanish occupied this land in the 16th century, after a series of wars and conquests, the vast Inca Empire reached its peak.
30Lima CathedralLima cathedral was built in 1625. It is a typical Spanish Baroque architectural style. The designer is Francisco Becerra, a Spanish Renaissance architect.
The existing buildings are the buildings after the great earthquake in 1904. They are a mixture of Baroque, Gothic, and Romanesque buildings, causing considerable controversy.
31Machu Picchu historic siteMachu Picchu is located at an altitude of 2400 meters, 112 kilometers northwest of Cusco city. It is an ancient city built by the Indians before the Spanish colonists conquered the Americas. It is considered the cultural and spiritual capital of the Inca Empire and is also considered the centralized representative of the Andean culture with a long history. The whole city is divided into two parts: terraced fields and urban areas. There are squares, temples, and buildings in the urban area, with reasonable planning and unique style. The main scenic spots in the historic site include the city gate, the Sun Temple, the Inca house, the great temple, the Intihuatana stone monument, the rock of God, the triple gate, the barn, the great milpan, the divine eagle temple, and the people’s Square.
32Fortaleza del Real FelipeFortaleza del Real Felipe is known as the largest and strongest castle built by Spain in the American colonies. It is a typical European castle architectural style from the middle of the 16th century. It is one of the most complete and meaningful military defense projects of Spanish royal architecture. It is located on the coast of Cayo and guards the entire port of Cayo. It has the potential to be closed by one man. Now the castle has been converted into the Peruvian Army Military Museum, and some of the facilities are army barracks.
Because the great earthquake and tsunami in 1746 leveled the first port in Peru’s history, the Spanish colonists believed that a single wall was not enough to withstand the attack of natural disasters, nor was it possible to resist the invasion of British Pirates, which were rampant at that time. Therefore, a stronger defense system must be built.
On August 1, 1747, the foundation of the castle was laid. It is said that Jos é Antonio Manso de Belasco, the governor (count of superenda), personally took the spade and shoveled the first shovel of soil. When the castle was built. During the reign of Fernando of Spain, it was named “Royal Fernando (Ferdinand) Castle”. Later, in memory of the late king Felipe V, it was named “Royal Felipe Castle” and has been used since. In 1776, governor Manuel Amat houniette presided over the opening ceremony of the castle.
33The National Museum of PeruThe National Museum is located in San Borja District, Lima. Completed in 1976, the building has a total of nine floors. It is a building with a distinctive shape and internal structure. On March 14, 1988, according to the supreme decree of the Republic of Peru on the construction of the National Museum, the building was designated as the site of the National Museum. It was opened on February 19, 1990, and opened to the public on March 1 of the same year.
The building has nine floors, and the basement to the fourth floor is permanent or temporary exhibition venues. The fifth to ninth floors are offices, libraries, storage rooms, security systems, etc. The permanent exhibition part mainly displays the Peruvian civilization history before the arrival of the Spanish, that is, the pre-Inca era and the Inca era, including the cultural, agricultural, and other aspects of economic development, through models, maps, pictures, photos, unearthed objects, and corresponding text descriptions.
The museum has also held exhibitions on various painting works, education, culture, and other subjects at home and abroad, including the exhibition of “5000 years of Chinese civilization”.
34Cusco CityThe famous ancient city in southern Peru, the capital of the ancient Inca Empire, is now the capital of Cusco province. There are many traces of ancient Inca civilization in the city, such as the exquisite stone walls and the sun temple ruins. Cusco is located in the Andes Plateau Basin at an altitude of 3410 meters. Peru calls it “the Pearl on the crown of the Andes” and “the cradle of ancient Inca culture”. Cusco city has been listed as a “world cultural and natural heritage” by the United Nations.
35Gold MuseumPeru gold products and world weapons Museum, referred to as the gold museum, is located in montero District, Lima city. It is a private collection Museum, founded in 1966.
The exhibits in the museum are mainly cultural relics collected by the family of Miguel Mujica Garro, an agronomist, financier, and diplomat. It is divided into two parts: the first part shows the weapons of various countries in the world since the 16th century, including the sabers used by the heroes of the Latin American War of independence, the weapons used by Napoleon, the ancient Chinese swords, as well as various clothing, armor, and harness, which are well made and beautiful in shape; The second part collects all kinds of gold, silver products, mummies, costumes, sculptures and pottery products unearthed in Peru from the fifth century BC to the fifth century AD. it is very helpful to understand the famous Mochica, Chimu, and Nasca cultures in the history of Peru and the customs and life of the ancient indigenous people in Peru and has high artistic value.
The museum has been listed as a national cultural relics unit by the Peruvian government. Some of the exhibits have been exhibited in North America, Europe, Japan, and some countries in South America. The museum has a walking stick-type saber presented by Chairman Mao. In October 1995, Premier Li Peng visited the museum and inscribed the inscription “brilliant cultural heritage, the crystallization of the work of collectors” and presented a copy of the cultural relics “horse stepping on flying swallow”. In May 2000, the chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese people’s Political Consultative Conference visited the museum and inscribed the inscription “the treasure of Peruvian culture and the pride of Inca civilization” and presented a set of ancient coins.
Author: listenerxu
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