Top 15 list of global emergency preparedness-related websites (for reference only)

Name WebsiteIntroduction Emergency+preparedness+guidance+from
organizations. Weather Radio broadcasts alerts for national emergencies, tornadoes, thunderstorms, flash floods, mudslides, hurricanes, chemical spills, fires, and other natural and man-made disasters. Nuclear accident/war preventative medicine FAQ with thyroid-blocking iodine sources. Internet source for worldwide disaster information. Solarcooking.wikia.comInformation, pictures, links, and many plans for building different kinds of solar ovens. Information and tips about fire extinguisher types and fire prevention. Information about the biggest fires in history. News and information including disaster types, evacuation planning, food and water preservation and storage, weapons procurement, caching, first aid, and survival medicine, plus reviews of survival books and products. Information to help make homes more resistant to hurricane damage and put a disaster safety plan into action. Hurricane season predictions and links to natural disaster safety sites. Documents discussing all aspects of disaster preparedness and emergency response. on how to prepare and react in times of natural and man-made disasters. Includes information on safe shelters, disaster mitigation methods, and how to make emergency supply kits. Government weather information and alerts. Advice and lists for preparing the home and family for emergencies. Written in the context of Y2K, but equally applicable for all emergency preparations. Includes a summertime test. Simply Prepared, a best-selling book in Houston for two years, and Pantry Cooking, 350 recipes using only storable food. Tutorial on preparation for a wide range of emergency situations, from blizzards to volcanoes. Help with decision-making, survival kits, and volunteering after a disaster. Advice for special needs of children, pets, and the disabled. A one-stop source for women to gather and learn about preparedness. Featured is the Forum,’s Survival Talk for Women.
Author: listenerxu
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