List of Haitian news and video websites, TV, radio, newspapers, etc. (for information only)

Name Website RelationshipsIntroduction
Official website of the President of Haiti website of the President of Haiti, available in French and Creole, with information on the President’s profile, pictures, events, news and more. Haiti is located in the western part of the North American island of Hispaniola. The capital and seat of government is Port-au-Prince and the official languages are French and Creole.
Metropolehaiti is one of the most famous portals in Haiti, offering the latest news and information, advertising, shopping, videos, search, weather, etc. The website language is French.
The March of Haiti Marcha d’Haiti is a national newspaper in Haiti, in French. It mainly covers news from within Haiti, as well as information on exchanges between Haiti and other countries. It has one of the highest circulations in the country and is very popular with all kinds of readers.
La Musique Haitiennewww.musiquehaitienne.frHaitianLa Musique Haitienne (Haitian Music) is a website that focuses on Haitian culture, history, the development and current state of music, in addition to offering trial multimedia materials, in French.
Voyages Lumière Lumière is a travel agency in Haiti that offers travel organization, group tours, package tours, small package tours, free tours, conference tour charters, special hotel reservations, and reservations for special Haitian cabaret shows. The travel agency also provides Haiti travel guide, Haiti travel tips, Haiti travel news and other services.
Author: listenerxu
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