Category: Culture-2

Culture refers to the sum of material and spiritual wealth created by human beings in the process of social practice. It includes all social consciousness forms such as natural science, technology, science, social ideology, education, science, art, and other knowledge and facilities. Culture is a social phenomenon that is the product of long-term creation formed by human beings and is also a historical phenomenon and the accumulation of human society and history.culture2-culture-technology-culture-information-culture-project

It covers the history of intelligent groups from the past to the future and is all the activities of groups based on nature. It is the whole of all the material appearances and spiritual interiors of the group. Wen refers to all phenomena or forms. Astronomy refers to natural phenomena, that is, the intricate and colorful natural world formed by the interaction of yin and yang, hardness and softness, positive and negative forces, and male and female forces.culture2-culture-technology-culture-information-culture-project.

The primary human activity is to observe and understand all existing natural phenomena and make them condensed into definite knowledge. The purpose and significance of this level of cultural activities are to prepare for the foundation of advanced cultural activities.

It is the whole of all the material appearances and spiritual interiors of the group. Wen refers to all phenomena or forms. Astronomy refers to natural phenomena, that is, the intricate and colorful natural world formed by the interaction of yin and yang, hardness and softness, and positive and negative forces.

Top 15 list of global human art-related websites (for reference only)

Name Website Introduction  The world’s largest and oldest Body Modification Ezine provides educational information, articles, and photos as well as much more about…

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Top 15 list of global websites related to humanities (for reference only)

Name Website Introduction  An interdisciplinary organization dedicated to developing the educational potential of the Internet with officers, editors, and subscribers from all over…

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